
Casa de madeira pré-fabricada ROBERTA (44 mm + revestimento), 110 m²

A relaxed and refined collection of harmoniously designed wooden residences, where convenience and modern living come together in a sustainable environment.

A partir de 42 252,00 €


A nossa casa de madeira ROBERTA é um deleite para os amantes da arquitetura moderna e do conforto. Este modelo surpreende pelo seu elegante revestimento vertical e grandes janelas, mas o que conta é o interior: uma espaçosa sala de estar e uma casa de banho para cada quarto! Esta distribuição é ideal para famílias com crianças e idosos que teriam dificuldade em subir escadas todos os dias. Aprecie o design criativo de ROBERTA e deixe-se levar pelo luxo. Para sua conveniência, também temos disponível uma versão isolada deste modelo.

Additional amenities

Discover all the options we have at your disposal to maximize the comfort and beauty of your new home.

Construction and assembly

The total cost of building a house with these characteristics will depend on the size and location of the house, as well as the cost of materials and labor. However, based on the specifications given and assuming a moderately sized house, the cost could be around 30.000 euros. By incorporating sustainable and energy-efficient features, this home would be self-sufficient and help reduce the environmental impact of traditional homes.

A -Z Service

We make sure that your home is properly located and equipped with all the security and accessories available so that you have a truly sustainable home!



Vera's Plant

Detailed specifications and drawings - Front



• Três quartos para a sua família e convidados. Também pode transformá-los em escritórios para trabalhar em casa.
• Uma espaçosa área de jantar e entretenimento que pode tornar-se no seu novo local preferido com muita luz natural e risadas.
• Três casas de banho e um roupeiro com fácil acesso para seu conforto.
• Um visual moderno e compacto, criado por um elegante telhado de duas águas, revestimento vertical e inúmeras janelas.
• Possibilidade de escolher um terraço como um extra para se divertir ao ar livre.

Se escolher a ROBERTA, prepare-se para se divertir com os seus entes queridos numa casa de madeira que oferece arquitetura inspiradora e conforto irresistível. Se procura uma nova casa espaçosa, luminosa e inspiradora, esta joia moderna tem todos os ingredientes. A construção é robusta e confiável graças à madeira de coníferas de alta qualidade e de crescimento lento, e no interior encontrará um espaço amplo para atender a todas as suas necessidades, começando com áreas comuns espaçosas para a sua família e amigos e terminando com espaços de menores dimensões, como depósitos ou salas para seus passatempos.

Get to know

Our representative

Guy FB

Guy Arnaud

+351 961 585 884
(call to the national mobile network)


Implementation and design

The use permit application generally includes a detailed description of the property, including its location, size and intended use. It also includes the necessary documentation, such as architectural and specialty projects, and any other relevant documentation related to the work. This documentation serves as proof that the work was performed according to approved plans and specifications.

Once the request for authorization for use has been received, the urban planning service will carry out a thorough inspection of the property to verify compliance with the approved plans and specifications. If any issues or discrepancies are identified, the candidate will be notified and given the opportunity to resolve the issues or make any necessary changes.

If the property complies with the approved plans and specifications, the urban planning service will issue a use authorization. This authorization confirms that the property is safe and habitable and is required before the property can be used for its intended purpose.

In conclusion, applying for a use permit is an important step in the construction process, and helps ensure that the property is safe and complies with all applicable building codes and regulations. By following due procedures and presenting all necessary documentation, owners can obtain authorization to use and continue using their property as intended.

A passive design, also known as a passive house or zero-energy home, is a sustainable building design that aims to reduce energy consumption and promote environmental sustainability. This type of project uses natural resources, such as sunlight, air, and water, to create an energy-efficient living space.

When a client opts for a passive design project, they can opt for an architecture and engineering team with experience in this type of construction. The team must have an in-depth understanding of sustainable construction practices, as well as the latest technologies and materials that can be used to maximize energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

At Casitas, we have a dedicated team of architects, engineers and builders who specialize in building high-quality wood block homes with passive designs. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and preferences and develop a customized project plan that meets their specific needs.

Our team follows a rigorous process, from the initial design phase to the final construction and installation of passive systems. We use advanced technology and cutting-edge materials to create a highly insulated, airtight and energy-efficient building envelope. We also install solar panels, solar water panels and wind turbines to generate renewable energy and reduce the need for fossil fuels.

Although a passive design project may cost more upfront than a traditional construction project, it can pay for itself in the long term through energy savings and reduced utility costs. In fact, studies have shown that passive houses can reduce energy consumption by up to 90% compared to traditional houses.

At Casitas, our model is to provide high-quality homes at affordable prices. We believe everyone deserves a sustainable, energy-efficient living space, and we are committed to making this a reality for our customers.